Orthopedic Surgery


Orthopedic Surgery

Medical advancements in the practice of orthopedic surgery have become increasingly nuanced and as a result, niche subspecialty teams are often necessary for patient care.  Multidisciplinary teams with niche clinical services offer benefits for complex patients.

Syncoro Health orchestrates connections between physicians. Connecting general orthopedic surgeons  with niche tertiary care  orthopedic surgeons helps in 3 ways:

  • Community  orthopedic surgeons offload complex patients beyond their scope of practice
  • Tertiary care  orthopedic surgeons grow their referral base and catchment area
  • Access for orthopedic surgery care improves in the community, and complex patient outcomes are optimized 


Orthopedic oncology

Orthopedic Oncology

Complex Joints

Complex Joints